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2025 Conference Schedule

DAY TWO Sunday, April 6

All conference activities will take place at the Ithaca Downtown Conference Center unless otherwise noted. 

11 AM - 3 PM Conference Registration Open

Conference Exhibitor Hall Open

11 AM - 12 PM Emerging Museum Professionals Networking Meet-Up, sponsored by Syracuse University Art Museum

Museum Institute Alumni Networking Meet-Up

Executive Director Networking Meet-Up, sponsored by Cooper Robertson Architects

Learn more about conference meet-ups

3 - 4:30 PM Opening Keynote, sponsored by the William G. Pomeroy Foundation

7 - 9 PM Support MANY/Support Museums Dinner, at The Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University

DAY THREE Monday, April 7

All conference activities will take place at the Ithaca Downtown Conference Center unless otherwise noted. 

8 - 9 AM Breakfast and Advocacy Update

9 AM - 4:30 PM Conference Registration/Information Table Open

Conference Exhibitor Hall Open

9 AM - 4:30 PM  Meet the Funders

10:30 - 11 AM Coffee Break

12:15 - 2 PM Awards of Distinction Luncheon

3:15 - 3:45 PM  Coffee Break

3:15 - 5:30 PM     Meet the Funders Grant Workshop

6 - 8 PM Night of Play at the Sciencenter

DAY FOUR Tuesday, April 8

All conference activities will take place at the Ithaca Downtown Conference Center unless otherwise noted. 

8 - 9 AM Networking Breakfast

10:30 - 11 AM Coffee Break

11 AM - 12 PM Closing Keynote, sponsored by New York State Canal Corporation

1 PM - onwards Conference Capstone Experiences, sponsored by Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area

 Time Capstone Location
 1 - 3 PMMuseum Tour: Museums as Workforce Development Partners Museum of Science & Technology (MOST)
 1 - 3 PMIgnite Children's Learning through Play The Discovery Center of the Southern Tier
 1 - 3 PMOpendore: A Community Journey of Preservation and Perseverance  Howland Stone Store Museum
 1 - 3 PM Teaching in Teaching Galleries Johnson Museum of Art 
 1 - 3 PM Teaching with Chinese Art Johnson Museum of Art
 1 - 3 PM Special Exhibition Tour: Suzi Ferrer Johnson Museum of Art
 1 - 3 PM Permanent Collection Tour: Asian Art Johnson Museum of Art
 1 - 3 PM Permanent Collection Tour: European Art Johnson Museum of Art
 2 - 4 PMMagnifying Voices: Expanding Glass Stories Through a Community Lens Corning Museum of Glass

Conference Cancellation Policy

If for any reason, MANY cancels the conference, we will issue you a full refund. 

If you cancel your registration before Monday March 31, that request must be made in writing via email to We will refund you the full amount of your registration, minus a $45 administrative fee

Refunds requested after March 31 will not be granted, including requests made based on absence due to illness, late arrival and/or weather conditions. 

Special event ticket purchases are non-refundable; restaurants and caterers require payment in advance. You are welcome to give or sell them to a colleague attending the conference.

Please see your hotel confirmation email for your individual hotel reservation cancellation policy. 

Video/Photography Policy

By registering for and attending our Annual Conference "Cultivating Community: Looking In, Reaching Out" you grant the Museum Association of New York (MANY) and its authorized representatives permission to film, photograph, or otherwise record your participation in the conference and associated special events.

You further agree that such images, photographs, and recordings may be used by MANY without your prior approval in any form and for any lawful purpose including, without limitation, promoting MANY. Such use will not entitle you to any credit or compensation.

You release MANY, its officers, and employees from any liability connected with the use of any image, photograph, or recording taken during MANY's Annual Conference and associated special events.

Conference Code of Conduct

The Museum Association of New York (MANY) is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming conference experience for all participants. All attendees are expected to follow this Code of Conduct, which applies to all pre-conference workshops, concurrent sessions, special events, and capstone experiences.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct is expected from all conference participants; including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, staff, organizers, contractors, volunteers, exhibitors, and sponsors. Read more.

The Museum Association of New York helps shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.

Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

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Troy, NY 12180 USA

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