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Session: Don't Judge a Book Club by Its Cover: Reimagining the Museum as a Third Place to Cultivate Community

Monday, April 7

9:15 - 10:30 AM

Location: Ithaca Downtown Conference Center


At a time when one in three Americans increasingly struggle with loneliness, museums have unique opportunities to act as “Third Places,” bringing people together and creating community. Discover how The Whaling Museum’s themed “Beyond the Book” program, a newly formed book club and partnership with local libraries, helped a new adult audience grow while finding creative opportunities to showcase the museum’s historic collection in novel and inclusive contexts. Staff will share cross-disciplinary content ideas, marketing examples, successes, challenges, and lessons learned to help you gain inspiration for your own literary-based public programming for adult groups.


Brenna McCormick, Curator of Education, Whaling Museum & Education Center

Brenna McCormick-Thompson is the Curator of Education at the Whaling Museum & Education Center in Cold Spring Harbor, NY where she delights in developing exciting and unexpected programs that engage museum visitors with Long Island's maritime past. With more than 10 years of experience in museum education, Brenna’s previous work includes roles at Historic Hudson Valley, the New-York Historical Society, Royal Museums Greenwich, and the South Street Seaport Museum.

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By registering for and attending our Annual Conference "Cultivating Community: Looking In, Reaching Out" you grant the Museum Association of New York (MANY) and its authorized representatives permission to film, photograph, or otherwise record your participation in the conference and associated special events.

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Conference Code of Conduct

The Museum Association of New York (MANY) is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming conference experience for all participants. All attendees are expected to follow this Code of Conduct, which applies to all pre-conference workshops, concurrent sessions, special events, and capstone experiences.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct is expected from all conference participants; including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, staff, organizers, contractors, volunteers, exhibitors, and sponsors. Read more.

The Museum Association of New York helps shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.

Museum Association of New York is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 

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