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Session: Building Up Museums: Cultivating Community through Transformational Expansion Projects

Tuesday, April 8

9:15 - 10:30 AM

Location: Ithaca Downtown Conference Center


It’s a common refrain: the public wants more stories, new experiences, and better spaces. A project that addresses these issues is often prioritized, and museums make the decision to grow. Now what? How should a museum enhance itself to serve its community better than ever before? What are key elements of a successful project? In this panel discussion, five perspectives will be showcased to attest that the most ambitious goals are attainable for any size museum.


Mitch Maniccia, Director of Operations, Seward House Museum

Maniccia has strong working knowledge of historic structures and historic preservation, and has seen extensive grant writing success. Since 2015, he has leveraged more than $2.5 million in state and federal grants towards preservation projects and studies at the Seward House Museum. Maniccia also manages Seward House Museum's IT, utility, and security infrastructure while adhering to industry best practices.

Amy Catania, Executive Director, Historic Saranac Lake

Amy has served as Executive Director of HSL since 2009. She has implemented new projects including school outreach programs and the Cure Porch on Wheels. During her time as Executive Director, she has tripled the staff of the organization, grown the endowment from $10,000 to over $300,000, and launched the campaign for expansion of the museum. Ms. Catania has a Masters in Liberal Studies from Plattsburgh State University and a B.A. in Latin American Studies.

Janna Rudler, Grants and Technical Services Manager, Preservation League of NYS

The Preservation League is New York's statewide non-profit dedicated to historic preservation advocacy, education, and grants since 1974. Janna provides technical support, advice on grant strategies, and referrals to all who seek assistance in their preservation efforts. Janna holds a BA in Anthropology from Binghamton University (State University of New York) and a Master of Arts in History Museum Studies from the Cooperstown Graduate Program.

Kirsten Gosch, Executive Director, The Cayuga Museum of History and Art

Kirsten is the Executive Director of the Cayuga Museum. She first joined the staff in 2013 as curator, and has held the position of Executive Director since 2019. Kirsten has lived and worked in Syracuse and Cayuga County for over ten years. She received a BA in Art History from Penn State University, and later attended Syracuse University to receive an MA in Museum Studies.

Allison Hinman, Chief Operating Officer, National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House

Allison Hinman is the Chief Operating Officer at the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House in Rochester, New York. She oversees the facilities, curatorial, volunteer and visitor services departments, contract services, and educational programming. She is also responsible for the implementation and administration of policies and procedures that assures appropriate care and stewardship of Susan B. Anthony’s National Historic Landmark home.

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