Tuesday, November 9, 2021
10 AM – 4 PM
Roberson Museum and Science Center
30 Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905
MANY Members $25
Non-members $30
Registration includes lunch and museum admission.
Schedule is subject to change. Forum is limited to 30 people. Advance registration required.
10 - 10:15 AM
10:15 - 11:30 AM
Community Partnerships in Auburn NY
Mitch Maniccia, Facilities Manager, Seward House Museum
Geoff Starks, Director of Development and Outreach,
Cayuga Museum of History and Art
Jeffrey Ludwig, PhD, Director of Education, Seward House Museum
Panelists from Auburn’s Cayuga Museum of History and Art and Seward House Museum will discuss the development of an immersive “Hands-On History Camp.” Founded out of a partnership between these historic sites, as well as with the Harriet Tubman National Historic Park and Auburn’s city library system, the story of the camp’s success serves as a model for reimagining collaboration. Whereas previously the partner sites competed for campers or shied away from attempting such a program, together they combined forces (and resources) to create a unique and popular experience for history-minded campers that brought out the best from each organization. Engage with this panel to learn about the planning and development of the camp, the challenges faced before and after the pandemic, how organizers formed inclusive new relationships within community groups to expand outreach, and various strategies for fundraising to make the camp accessible to all audiences.
11:30 AM - 12 PM
MANY Update: Advocacy & Programs with Erika Sanger
12 - 1 PM
Lunch and time to explore Roberson Museum and Science Center
1 - 2:30 PM
The Advantage of Creating an Arts District for Museums and Arts Organizations
Bethanie Lawrence, Executive Director, World Awareness Children’s Museum
Candice Frye, Director, Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council
Jacquiline Touba, PhD, Founder, World Awareness Children’s Museum
Kathleen Naftaly, Director, Crandall Public Library
This session will demonstrate how developing an arts district can lead to communicating, collaborating, sharing collections and exhibitions, joint marketing and ultimately obtaining grants. This will clearly show the power of partnership and demonstrate a framework for accomplishing it.
2:30 - 2:45 PM
2:45 - 4 PM
Museum Partnerships for Access and Inclusion
Rebecca McNamara, Associate Curator, The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum
Benjamin Bogin, Skidmore Director of Asian Studies, Skidmore College
Siobhan Hart, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Skidmore College
This panel will examine partnerships between the Tang Teaching Museum and interdisciplinary scholars, foregrounding case studies of collection- and exhibition-based initiatives that broaden and strengthen the museum’s audiences, expand our understandings of art scholarship, and develop models of collaborative learning in museum practice.
MANY's COVID-19 Safety Policy for In-Person Events
With the safety of our colleagues foremost in mind, attendees at programs offered by the Museum Association of New York must agree to our COVID-19 Safety Policy. Click here to read.