Wednesday, October 20, 2021
10 AM – 4 PM
The Otesaga Resort Hotel
60 Lake St, Cooperstown, NY 1326
MANY Members $25
Non-members $30
Registration includes lunch and museum admission.
Schedule is subject to change. Forum is limited to 30 people. Advance registration required.
10 - 10:15 AM
10:15 - 11:30 AM
Tang Teaching Museum's All Together Now
Ian Berry, Dayton Director, The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum at Skidmore College
Lisa Kolosek, Independent Curator
All Together Now is a regional collections sharing project created to strengthen and form new collaborations between neighbor arts organizations while showcasing rarely seen objects from the Tang Museum. Dayton Director Ian Berry will share how this partnership came together and how this project will strengthen collaborations moving forward.
11:30 AM - 12 PM
MANY Update: Advocacy & Programs with Erika Sanger
12 - 1 PM
1 - 2:30 PM
Harness the Power of Video
Sean Hovendick, Professor of Graphic + Media Design, Department of Visual & Performing Arts, Russell Sage College
From advertising to websites, social media to billboards, the moving images of video are ubiquitous in our media-saturated world. Video's unique combination of sound, time and metaphor are powerful elements used to make an impactful connection with your audience, often in less than one minute! In this workshop, Russell Sage College professor and media designer Sean Hovendick will provide an in-depth look at video aesthetics including story structure, shooting techniques and editing tips for effective video production.
2:30 - 2:45 PM
2:45 - 4 PM
Teens Take the Lead: Collaboration and Genuine Partnership with Albany City Youth
Kat Morehouse, Museum Instructor, New York State Museum
Stephanie Miller, Director of Youth Services, New York State Museum
The New York State Museum's youth programs and the successful partnership with Albany City's LIGHT Summer Youth Employment Program. 'Teens Take the Lead' will explore the challenges, collaborations, and strategies in the ever-changing world of working with adolescents.
MANY's COVID-19 Safety Policy for In-Person Events
With the safety of our colleagues foremost in mind, attendees at programs offered by the Museum Association of New York must agree to our COVID-19 Safety Policy. Click here to read.