Dear Friends, Members, and Supporters,
I am pleased to share the news that the New York State Legislature passed A.9710/S.8934 “An act in relation to conducting a study of public and private museums in New York state,” unanimously in the Assembly on May 24 and in the Senate on June 2. This bill will make a difference to every museum in the state regardless of budget size, discipline, or location. It now heads to Governor Hochul’s desk where her signature would enable the act to take effect immediately.
New York State's museums are inextricably linked to our communities, economies, and histories. Too many museums operate in a culture of scarcity, struggling to pay bills and wondering each year how they will keep their doors open. Museums need support to ensure they can protect and share their collections, to be strong community education partners and efficient economic engines generating $5.37B to the state's economy.
“Museums have long been synonymous with New York – from world famous icons like the Met, MoMA or Cooperstown to local history collections and cultural community hubs. Yet despite the fame and significant economic impact, our museum sector has no real “home” in the New York state government,” said Assembly Bill Sponsor Didi Barrett (AD 106). “Support for museums is spread across a host of state agencies, and many have no access to state funding at all. This legislation is a pathway to ensuring these beloved institutions have the support and stability to flourish in the 21st century.”
The Museum Study Act directs the New York State Department of Economic Development, in conjunction with the Empire State Development Corporation, Department of Education, Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of State, and New York State Council on the Arts to conduct a study of public and private museums in New York State.It will identify and gather data about all museums in the state including information on size, hours of operation, visitor statistics, funding sources and amounts, and the subject of their collections. The report will help communities, legislative representatives, and individual supporters learn about museum missions, audiences, and funding needs.
“New York State is the proud home of museums, large and small. From world class art galleries to volunteer run historical societies; these institutions are part of the fabric of our communities across the state,” said Senate Bill Sponsor Jeremy A. Cooney (SD 56). “They tell our stories, enrich our lives, employ creative talent and keep dollars in our local economies. As important as museums are to New York, these institutions lack an established funding structure in state government. I am proud to have passed new legislation directing a multi-agency team to conduct a study of public and private museums to ensure the protection of collections and an equitable funding structure in the future.”
The speed at which this bill was passed is a powerful sign that your legislator knows how important your museum is to your community. As they wrap up their time in Albany, it would mean so much for you to take a minute to thank the legislators who represent your museum and let them know that you are grateful for their support. Share an example that helps define your museum as a community space. Does your museum reach an historically marginalized population? Is it a destination for tourists? Or share a unique program/event offered by your museum. Include statistics to help illustrate your museums' impact and reach. Have they been to visit lately? Invite them for a tour of your museum! Feel free to use this template for your letter.
You can be sure we will let you know what comes next!
With thanks,

Erika Sanger
Executive Director
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Click here to view Assembly Bill A9710
Click here to view Senate Bill S8934