Navigating the Construction Zone: How the Darwin Martin House Remained Open and Engaged Visitors During its 25-year Restoration Project

Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin Martin House during its
25-year long restoration.
In 2018, New York State’s Regional Economic Development Councils (REDC) awarded over $15 million for capital improvement projects to museums. Museums are using these funds to expand gallery and exhibition spaces, improve facilities to increase accessibility, and adapt new spaces. These museum capital projects involve major construction projects that often serve as a catalyst for economic investment in their regions. All of these projects strengthen museums’ ability to implement their missions and serve their communities and their visitors. READ MORE

Urban Archive and the "City as the Museum"

Urban Archive partnered with LinkNYC to create more than 1,800 digital kiosks in all five boroughs. Working with the Museum of the City of New York, these kiosks now include historic images that show passerbys what that
street looked like years ago.
Across New York City you’ll find the ubiquitous public telephone booth. While some are still in use and others are out of order, the booths remain a physical reminder of the past. Arts and cultural organizations are finding new ways to use the booths located high traffic areas where these public pay phones once stood. Urban Archive is turning these spaces into digital kiosks to connect people to the history that surrounds them, turning New York City sidewalks into a museum space. READ MORE

Creating an Exhibition: "The Schuyler Sisters and Their Circle" at the Albany Institute of History & Art
Portrait of Catharine Van Rensselaer Schuyler, on loan from the New-York Historical Society, on display at the
Albany Institute of History & Art
The journey to bring Catharine Van Rensselaer Schuyler’s portrait to “The Schuyler Sisters and Their Circle” exhibition at the Albany Institute of History & Art began in Spring 2018. Implementing an exhibition like “The Schuyler Sisters” is like planning and weaving a coordinated complex web with a little detective work mixed in. Curator Diane Shewchuk worked for eighteen months to develop the exhibition. This included negotiating loans from other institutions, some taking over a year to secure and organize shipment or pick-up. READ MORE

“And you may ask yourself, well, How did I get here?”

Talking Heads, "Once in a Lifetime" music video, 1981
In honor of the upcoming commemoration of Labor Day, a holiday that was designed to honor American workers but now mostly celebrates the end of summer, this letter reflects on trends I have noticed in the museum labor field.
There is a lot to read in online forums about salary transparency, about how our museum staff and boards often don’t reflect our communities, and about how our institutions are not as successful as they could be because of their lack of diversity. But in this letter, I will speak from my own experience. READ MORE

Member News
New England Museum Association Annual Conference

NEMA will be in Burlington, Vermont this November for the 101st Annual Conference. Take advantage of the country’s largest regional gathering of museum professionals, with 90+ professional development sessions, lively discussions, and tons of networking opportunities that challenge your intellect and boost your museum passion to a whole new level. LEARN MORE
These Museums Helped Welcome Immigrants and Refugees to their Community, and Yours Can Too!

Welcoming America's annual Welcoming Week enlists organizations around the country to welcome new immigrants and refugees into their new communities. This year, the American Alliance of Museums is a national partner of Welcoming Week and is calling on museums to get involved on September 13 - 22. Use your spaces and resources to unite your community and show that not only we are stronger together, but the future depends on our unity! LEARN MORE

Share Your News
>Engaging community stories
>Exhibition and collection developments
>How you're using resources to accomplish your vision and mission
Upload your articles to the Share Your News page or Email Megan [Marketing & Social Media Coordinator]

MANY on the Move
Wednesday, September 4
Ganondagan State Historic Site, Victor, NY
Wednesday, September 11
Explore & More, Buffalo, NY
Workshop & Meet-Up
Monday, September 23
Adirondack Experience, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
Find out where your nearest workshop and meet-up will be this fall!

Museum Corner
Congrats to the Seward House Museum on receiving $10,000 from Preserve New York to complete a building condition report.
Congrats to the Rensselaer County Historical Association being named on of the 10 museums selected across the country to be part of a Smithsonian Institution pilot program.
Happy Retirement to Executive Director Nancy Richner from Hofstra University Museum of Art!
Welcome Ben Sandberg, the new Executive Director at The History Center in Tompkins County!
Do you have something to celebrate? A new hire? A grant? Milestone?