The Fort Plain Museum proudly presents the Annual American Revolution Mohawk Valley Conference
June 11 - 14, 2020

The conference is back at the Fulton-Montgomery Community College and is limited to 200 seats (sold out for 2018 and would have been sold out for 2019). The Bus Tours are limited to 55 seats per tour. There is a $10 discount if you sign up for the conference by May 15, 2020. Please sign up early so you don't miss out.
We have another great lineup of historians/authors:
Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy - The Architect of the British War for America: Lord George Germain
Craig Bruce Smith - The Interests of Our Dearest Country: Honor and the Continental Army
James Kirby Martin - A Contagion of Violence: The Human Slaughter in Frontier New York: 1775-1783
Mark Edward Lender - John Brown's Raid on Fort Ticonderoga in September 1777
Lindsay M. Chervinsky - Councils of War and the Cabinet: How the Revolutionary War Shaped the Presidency
David Head - George Washington and a Very Mysterious Business: Tracking Down the Newburgh Conspiracy
Eric H. Schnitzer - The Value of Revisionism: Don Troiani's Campaign to Saratoga – 1777
Todd W. Braisted - In Reduced Circumstances: Loyalist Women and British Government Assistance, 1779-1783
Katie Turner Getty - Women Aiding American Prisoners of War and Escapees in New York
James E. Richmond - War on the Middleline: The Founding of a Community in the Kayaderosseras Patent in the Midst of the American Revolution
Wayne Lenig - Fort Plain, Fort Plank and Fort Rensselaer: the Revolutionary War Fortifications at Canajohary
Robert A. Selig - Saturday Dinner Speaker - "In the Morning We Began to Strip and Bury the Dead:” A Context for Burial Practices During the American War for Independence
South River Heritage Consultants - Stone Arabia and Klock's Battlefields Study Update
Conference Presentations are (June 12-14): 1 on Friday Evening, 6 on Saturday (all day), 1 on Saturday Evening during the Dinner, and 4 on Sunday (ending at lunch time).
We would like to welcome back, the Master of Ceremony, the Voice of the Mohawk Valley, Bob Cudmore. After a one year absence, Bob will be back to introduce our line-up of wonderful speakers. Welcome back Bob!
Conference Location:
The Fulton-Montgomery Community College's Theater - The Visual Arts & Communications Building (Campus Map Building #2) - 2805 NY-67, Johnstown, NY 12095 - Please Park in Lots 5, 4 or Visitor's Lot - Please Click Here - FMCC Campus Map 2020
Bus Tours:
Bus Tour #1
Forts & Fortified Homes of the Mohawk - Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 8:00 AM
This is an in-depth, never done before tour of the historic forts, fortified homes and sites that formed the defensive perimeter around Fort Rensselaer (Fort Plain). Site visits will include Fort Failing, Fort Ehle, Fort Clyde, Fort Plank, Fort Rensselaer, Fort Kayser, Fort Paris, Fort Nellis, Fort Klock and more. The Lunch stop will be at the Fort Plain Museum.
Bus Tour #2
Stone Arabia & Klock’s Battlefields, 240 Years Later - Friday, June 12, 2020 - 8:00 AM
This is an in-depth, never done before tour of the Stone Arabia and Klock’s Battlefield Historic Sites. This detailed tour of the Stone Arabia Battlefield will follow the avenues of approach, view battle areas, visit the historic churches burned in battle, and the sites of Forts Kayser & Paris, several farms that were burned. We will stop at the Palatine Church that was spared the torch. Similar stops are also planned for Klock’s Battlefield. A lunch stop will be included.
Bus Tours include admissions to all historic/museum sites, lunch, and a tour booklet. Both Bus Tours will pick up and drop off at the college, located at 2805 NY-67, Johnstown, NY 12095, parking lots B and C (please see college campus map above).
Fundraiser Dinner:
American Revolutionary War Battlefield Preservation - Saturday, June 13th - The Bridge Walk at the Perthshire - 112 Perthshire Drive, Amsterdam, NY 12010 - 5:30 PM
Robert A. Selig - "In the Morning We Began to Strip and Bury the Dead:” A Context for Burial Practices During the American War for Independence - The presentation will start at the conclusion of dinner.
The dinner includes a choice of three entrees (will include a vegetarian option) with sides, salad and dessert.
There will also be a Cocktail Hour with cash bar.
Living History and Genealogy:
Friday, June 12, 2020 - Various Historic Sites/Museums and Times
Visit several Mohawk Valley historic sites and museums for living history demonstrations and genealogy related talks. Genealogy information will be available for viewing.
More information will be posted soon.
Conference Registration:
Ways to Register:
Register online (credit card and processing fees apply): Please Click Here to Register Online
Register by mail: Please Click Here for 2020 Conference Registration Form
Register by email:
Register by phone: 518-774-5669
Conference Lodging:
The Holiday Inn Johnstown/Gloversville is the official Conference Lodging. The Holiday Inn is located at 308 N Comrie Ave, Johnstown, NY 12095. The Holiday Inn is holding a block of rooms at a Conference rate of $105.00 plus tax/fees per night for June 10 through 13, 2020. Guests must call (518) 762-4686 before May 15, 2020 and the rooms have been booked under “Conference on the American Revolution”.
Please Click Here for Other Lodging Needs
Conference Sponsors:
Please Click Here for Conference Sponsor Information