Dear MANY Members,
We are sending out the February newsletter as we travel home from Washington, DC where we participated in AAM’s Advocacy Day.
This edition of This Month in NYS Museum News focuses on museums who are using new frameworks and models to engage their communities, offering new pathways through exhibitions, and exploring ways in which collections can be shaped to tell stories about our shared experiences and traditions.
We had a wonderful time visiting with our Senators and Congressional Representatives and hope that our presence here as Museum Advocates will make a difference to federal funding for museums as well as potential future changes in tax policy.
Registration for “Access and Identity,” our annual conference is exceeding all of our expectations. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join us and your colleagues in Cooperstown for peerless learning experiences with a bit of fun attached.
With thanks for your support,

Erika Sanger Executive Director, MANY

Stories Lost in Storage? How Deaccessioning Can Help
On January 31, I joined a DHPSNY webinar about deaccessioning led by Dyani Feige, Director of Preservation Services for the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts during which she said that “Deaccessioning is part of being a good collections steward.” Deaccessioning can be a helpful resource to manage an overwhelming or irrelevant collection if done correctly. Read more >
Capturing Local History Through Storytelling
Looking for a way to develop content and engage your community? The Museum on Main Street’s Stories: YESprogram offers a great way to share local history. The Stories: YES initiative helps students connect to local history and understand its significance by building skills in interviewing, research, and creating non-fiction narratives that are shared with the community through exhibitions, social media, and digital video exhibition kiosks. Read more >
Exhibitions & Collections
Immersive Interpretation in the Cooper Hewitt Immersion Room
When the Cooper Hewitt Museum reinstalled their galleries in 2014, their priority was to provide access to their physical and digital collections, which number more than 200,000 objects. Allowing visitors to interpret an exhibition in their own ways creates a unique and personal experience for every individual. Read more >
Letters from Erika
Speaking out for Museums
I am writing from Museum Advocacy Day where the MANY staff has been joined by 26 museum professionals from 18 of New York’s Congressional Districts. Our state Congressional Representatives are critical leaders who support federal funding of museums. Read more >
MoMA to Close, Then Open Doors to More Expansive View of Art
As the Museum of Modern Art begins the final stage of its $400 million overhaul, it will close for four months this summer and autumn to reconfigure its galleries, rehang the entire collection and rethink the way that the story of modern and contemporary art is presented to the public.
Latest Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey Shows Increases in African American Curators and Women in Leadership Roles
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, in partnership with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD), the American Alliance of Museums (AAM). and Ithaka S+R announced today the results of its second comprehensive survey of the ethnic and gender diversity of the staff of art museums across the United States.
N-Y Historical Receives $1 Million Digital Initiatives Grant
The New-York Historical Society has announced they are building their first-ever accessible archive of electronic material in all formats, thanks to a $1,000,000 grant from the Leon Levy Foundation.
America's Endangered Natural History Museums Hold the DNA
The Cazenovia Public Library, in Cazenovia, New York, has everything you'd expect from a small-town library: bright, colorful signs encouraging reading and plenty of inviting chairs. But turn left and head down an unassuming hallway, under a hand-carved sign that reads Wunderkammer...Read more>>>
It's Time to Tell the Whole Story
Until very recently, our history tended to exclude more Americans than it kept in. Former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has talked about his own confusion as a child when his teachers told him that American history “began” at Jamestown – when he knew very well his own ancestors had lived in New Mexico for centuries. The first “Women’s History Month” was only a few decades ago. Before that, First Ladies were often the only women to be found in textbooks. Read more>>>
American Museum of Natural History can proceed with expansion, court rules
The New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division has ruled that the American museum of Natural History can proceed with its Studio Gang-designed addition. Read more>>>

ASCH Changes Its Name to Long Island Historical Societies
Small Museums Scholarships Available to Attend 2019 AASLH Annual Meeting and Online Conference
William G. Pomeroy Foundation Opens New Grant Round for NYS Marker Program

Visit our brand new job board to search for museum jobs or to post your job opportunities!
Job Board
Orpheo is a 20 year old company focusing on audio and multi media guide solutions. We equip devices including Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, 9/11 Memorial, and Grand Central Station in NY and many other high profile global portfolio locations. Let us design self guided or guided tours, content creation, smartphone apps, multimedia installations, and Virtual and Augmented Reality. Revenue share agreements welcomed! We design our own equipment and service them in New York. Learn more about what Orpheo can offer you on their website.

Frameless Technologies creates Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences for marketing, exhibits and education. We specialize in 360/VR Video, Virtual Tours, Interactive VR Experiences, AR Experiences, 3D Artifact Scanning/Volumetric Photography and 360-degree Drone photos/video. We offer the latest technology and create content for use across multiple platforms. Technical support is included with all projects. We welcome the opportunity to discuss project ideas and provide free estimates. Please contact Michaela: or visit
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