Dear Members, Friends, and Colleagues,
Happy Halloween and welcome to the October edition of This Month in NY Museums. We have a special treat for you this month! This issue includes articles by three guest authors who all chose to write about their museums and their communities.
My letter, about the new Kid’s Rockwell Art Lab in Corning, delves into communities and resources.
Brian Howard, Executive Director of the Oneida County History Center focuses on collections and the Utica community.
Starlyn D’Angelo shared her experiences with affinity group connections and cycling tourism.
The Equal Rights Heritage Center in Auburn is almost set to open. Billye Chabot, Executive Director of the Seward House Museum wrote about the Center and its importance to raising the profile of the community and Seward House, adjacent to the new Center. Her article includes a link to the live webcam so you can see when the construction is complete!
We received 65 proposals for our 2019 Annual Conference “Access and Identity” and opened the portal for 2019 Award of Merit Nominations on Monday. Do you know someone who deserves recognition for their work? Click here to find out how to nominate them. I hope you enjoy the articles as much as we enjoyed putting together the October issue.
Until next month,

Erika Sanger
Executive Director, MANY

From Our News Section:
What I learned at the NYS Bicycling Summit Hear about Star D'Angelo's experience at the NYS Bicycling Summit and learn a few tips about encouraging cycling tourists to visit your museum.
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Collections Access and Community Relations Brian Howard, Executive Director of the Oneida County History Center tells the story of his museum's commitment to digitization and how the process helped the museum provide access to their collections and connect with their community.
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At the Crossroads of Equal Rights Billye Chabot, Executive Director of the Seward House Museum reveals how the new Equal Rights Heritage Center is transforming Auburn, NY!
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Letters from Erika: The Journey and The Destination
If I am lucky along my travels, I can stop to visit a museum, meet an industry partner, or walk in one of our beautiful state parks. I wish I could accept every invitation extended along the journey, but my plans are frequently diverted before I can measure the miles to home. Last week time was on my side! Read more >>>
#ICYMI - MANY on Social Media
MANY 2018 Meet-Ups

Where are we going next?
We will be in Utica on 11/13 and in Long Island on 11/15!
MANY 2018 Re-Visioning Change Workshops
Want to join the fun? We have two more workshops remaining:
Risk Management for Collections - Utica, November 13th
Re-Visioning Change - Long Island, November 16th
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for even more great content about NYS museums!
Museums in the News:
'Suitcases from a State Hospital Attic' exhibit to open in Buffalo - Niagara Gazette “The Lives They Left Behind: Suitcases from a State Hospital Attic” exhibit has found a home at the Museum of disABILITY History, a project of People Inc.
Application Rejected for 8-Story Hotel Near Historic Landmark - The New York's Landmarks Conservancy Read about why the City Council rejected a developer’s zoning application for an 8-story hotel adjacent to the Merchant’s House Museum.
New Tennessee State Museum Building Opens In Nashville - News Channel 5 Network
Shoutout to our Industry Partner, Hadley Exhibits, for building the exhibitions at this brand new museum.
Met and Brooklyn Museums Will Not Use Saudi Money for Programs on the Middle East - The New York Times Read about how the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Brooklyn Museumrespond to international news.
Saratoga County Historical Society at Brookside Museum Adds Artificial Intelligence to Its Website - I LOVE NY
Read about how new technology is enhancing museums like the Brookside Museum/Saratoga County Historical Society Member News:
Digital Docent
By: K. Michelle Arthur
Museum of disAbility History By: David Gerber From Our Sponsors:
Orpheo is a 20 year old company focusing on audio and multi media guide solutions. We equip devices including Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, 9/11 Memorial, and Grand Central Station in NY and many other high profile global portfolio locations. Let us design self guided or guided tours, content creation, smartphone apps, multimedia installations, and Virtual and Augmented Reality. Revenue share agreements welcomed! We design our own equipment and service them in New York. Learn more about what Orpheo can offer you on their website.

Frameless Technologies creates Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) experiences for marketing, exhibits and education. We specialize in 360/VR Video, Virtual Tours, Interactive VR Experiences, AR Experiences, 3D Artifact Scanning/Volumetric Photography and 360-degree Drone photos/video. We offer the latest technology and create content for use across multiple platforms. Technical support is included with all projects. We welcome the opportunity to discuss project ideas and provide free estimates. Please contact Michaela: or visit Save the Date!
Drinking History at Franklin Alley Social Club November 1, 2018 from 6:00pm
Franklin Alley Social Club, 50 Franklin Street, Troy, NY 12180 More info here
Upstate Girls: Book Signing & 1-Day Exhibit with Brenda Kenneally November 8, 2018 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Rensselaer County Historical Society, 57 2nd Street, Troy, NY 12180 More info here
FDNY Cook Off November 8, 2018 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
NYC Fire Museum, 278 Spring Street, New York, NY, 10013
More info here
Toy Symposium
November 10, 2018 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm Rensselaer County Historical Society, 57 2nd Street, Troy, NY 12180 More info here
NYSCA Regional Constituent Workshops
Mohawk Valley - Utica - 11/5
Central Region - Syracuse - 11/13
Mid-Hudson - Newburgh - 11/19
Finger Lakes - Rochester - 11/28
Southern Tier - Corning - 11/29
Western Region - Buffalo - 12/3
Long Island - Stony Brook - 12/12
More info here
Want to see your event listed here?
Post to our Exhibition and Events Forum today! Want to be featured in next month's newsletter?
Here's how:
- Do you have a suggestion for what our Marketing & Social Media Coordinator should feature in the next newsletter? Send all article ideas, photos, and upcoming events to MANY ( with the words "MANY Newsletter" in the subject line. Keep our three main issues in mind when you're brainstorming ideas: Resources, Community, and Exhibitions & Collections.
- Publish your stories to the Member News blog and any own announcements to the Member News Forum and the Exhibitions & Events Forum.
- Tag @nysmuseums in your posts on Twitter and Instagram.