Megan Eves <>

This Month in NYS Museums: May 2024

Museum Association of New York <>Wed, May 29, 2024 at 1:09 PM
Reply-To: "info, many" <>
To: Megan Eves <>
Cc: Megan Eves <>

Letter from Sheila: Gratitude

So happy to report that I am settling into the Interim Director role. That process has been greatly supported by the amazing team at the Museum Association of New York. I hope you will indulge me to use this space to give a shout out to the team. I cannot thank them enough.

We are a team. A small but MIGHTY team committed to the mission to “shape a better future for museums and museum professionals by uplifting best practices and building organizational capacity through advocacy, training, and networking opportunities.” It's a lot and they do it with rigor, professionalism and humor (we all need that).

During this transition of leadership, the important and vital work of MANY continues uninterrupted due to their hard work, dedication and commitment to all of us. I am privileged to work with and learn from them and excited for all to come including Voices and Votes second stop at Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site, which opened on May 18, our meet-ups and virtual programming, our 2025 Conference and a statewide Museum Study (more details to come) to name a few of the things we are cooking up.

Megan, Ren, and Sarah, you are the best. Thank you.

Sheila McDaniel, Interim Executive Director


Advocacy Update: The Museum Study

Empire State Development has posted the Request for Proposals for the Statewide Study of Public and Private Museums.

Empire State Development (ESD) is seeking the services of a qualified firm to conduct a statewide study of public and private museums. Utilizing definitions of public and private museums set forth by the New York State Board of Regents, the selected firm shall assist ESD in determining the best mechanism to gather museum data regarding topics such as funding sources and visitor statistics. The selected firm will also be responsible to study the benefits and shortfalls of museum funding sources and provide recommendations on systems, regulations, reporting, and funding structures to benefit the museum industry.

While New York State has a list of museums across the State chartered by the New York State Board of Regents, a centralized data system or tracking mechanism of visitation statistics, funding mechanisms, and collections does not exist. At a glance, the State has a wide range of institutions that differ, not only in collection, but size and scope of funding support and visitation. Several institutions throughout the State also have limited staff and ability to consistently track data such as; visitor profiles, research funding opportunities, or apply for grants.

Several State agencies, including ESD, work with museums on a variety of levels, including marketing and promotion, educational purposes, research, and funding support, and while the State has recognized the importance of museums to the State’s economy, a comprehensive study of the industry has yet to be engaged.

To determine where State support would be most effectively utilized, more information from museums is needed. Such an undertaking would require the help of an outside firm to determine which data might be extracted in the most efficient and productive way. Once that information is gathered, the outside firm would also be expected to produce a comprehensive analysis and report of recommendations to ESD and New York State Agency partners.

MANY is deeply grateful for the efforts and support of bill author and sponsor, Assemblymember Didi Barrett, Senate bill sponsor Senator Jeremy A. Cooney, all of our legislators that supported the nearly unanimous passage of the bill in 2022, and Governor Hochul for including this critical investment in the 2023-24 NYS budget.

Click here to view the RFP

Submission deadline is on or before June 14 at 5 PM EST

Job Board

MANY is committed to salary transparency. 

All job postings require a salary range.

Education Manager –Genesee Country Village & Museum

Curatorial Assistant –Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery

Marketing & Communications Manager –Adirondack Experience

Program Assistant (Part-time) –Haverstraw Brick Museum

Volunteer Coordinator –Buffalo Museum of Science & Tifft Nature Preserve

Human Resources Coordinator –The Strong

Educator –Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House

Parks and Rec Aid (Historic Site Interpreter) –Crailo State Historic Site

Head Archivist –International Motor Racing Research Center

Director of External Affairs –Katonah Museum of Art

Curatorial Project Manager –Museum of the City of New York

Operations Coordinator –Philipse Manor State Historic Site

Explore more job opportunities

Hiring? MANY Organizational and Industry Members post museum jobs for free. For other job posting opportunities, please contact the MANY office at or call 518-273-3400

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Conference Takeaways

Twenty two museum professionals from across New York State were awarded scholarships to attend the 2024 annual conference "Giving Voice to Value" in Albany this past April. We asked them to reflect and write about their conference experience. Here are a few!

Please note that some of these conference summaries have been edited for clarity and/or length.

Meeting up with old friends at the conference.

From L to R: Mari Irizarry, Anna Conlan, The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art. Photo by Mari Irizarry.

"One of the central themes of the conference was the role historical societies and museums play in addressing racism, bias and other injustices in American history and contemporary society. As a cultural organization dedicated to archiving and preserving our local history, we recognize our responsibility to amplify marginalized voices and educate the public about the injustices they have faced.

Throughout the conference, I was inspired by the stories and experiences shared by my fellow museum professionals. We discussed strategies for fostering inclusivity, confronting bias, and centering marginalized narratives in our institutions. There was a sense of solidarity and determination in those rooms, as we collectively recognized the urgency of our mission"

Mari Irizarry, Three Village Historical Society

"The list of workshops was extensive, but immediately I knew I wanted to know about financial sustainability...I wanted to hear how others approached budgeting, strategic planning, and balancing various areas of their museum. It was a great session where I had the opportunity to not only listen to the speakers but engage in meaningful conversations. These conversations gave me valuable insight into how other museums approach this process and engage their staff in budgeting. I took a lot of notes and came back energized- ready to implement some of them. Some of the suggestions from my colleagues, really helped our department in creating a realistic budget and empowering a deeper understanding of how we can be budget conscious."

Josh Engel, Long Island Children's Museum

What is Valued at Your Historic Site conference session, photo by Amy Vacchio

"Many of the sessions I attended dealt with reaching out and including marginalized communities. Like many institutions, I work for an institution with a complicated history, and we have now shifted our focus to include the stories of everyone who lived and worked on the property. It is important to decide whose narratives are central, ancillary, or have been historically excluded. Mission statements should be reevaluated so that we collectively interpret, educate, explore, and research to engage the community, all communities."

Amy Vacchio, Rock Hall Museum

Opening Keynote Discussion, photo by Lauren Nechamkin

"Giving Voice to Value was my first MANY conference experience. While I was unsure of what to expect, I was immediately drawn to this year’s theme. In my role as the Director of Education at the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA), I am charged with leading our team through the critical task of assessing our educational offerings and asking the big questions— Whose voices do our programs amplify? Whose voices are we marginalizing or even unintentionally silencing? Who are we inviting into the fold? Who might we be excluding? The notion of putting into words the practices, understandings, and assumptions which guide our work is a powerful one, which I wanted to contemplate more deeply."

Lauren Nechamkin, Museum of Chinese in America

"The session titled "Drawing the Line (Then Crossing It): Using the Arts to Interpret the Humanities" stood out as a vibrant discussion on the intersection of art and the humanities. It emphasized art's unique ability to transcend traditional boundaries, fostering a deeper, more engaging dialogue with museum audiences. This session resonated with me profoundly, echoing the mission of Ma's House & BIPOC Art Studio, Inc., where art is not just a form of expression but a bridge to understanding complex narratives and histories."

Jeremy Dennis, Ma's House & BIPOC Art Studio, Inc.

Read all of the 2024 conference scholarship recipient conference experience summaries

Smithsonian Exhibition “Voices and Votes” Arrives at Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site

Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site staff begin installation of the Smithsonian’s traveling exhibit “Voices and Votes: Democracy in America"

Voices and Votes: Democracy in America will be on view at Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site from May 18 through June 29

The New York State tour of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service Museum on Main Street Program Voices and Votes: Democracy in America exhibition has arrived at Sackets Harbor Battlefield State Historic Site. The site interprets the War of 1812 story through its mid-19th-century Navy Yard as an internationally recognized War of 1812 battleground. The exhibition will be on view at the historic Union Hotel building. Sackets Harbor is one of twelve museums that will host Voices and Votes for six weeks each through January 2026, offering museum visitors across New York State a unique cultural experience.

“The Sackets Harbor Battlefield, together with its partner organization, Hay Memorial Library, is proud and excited to serve as the only site in the North Country region to host this exceptional exhibit,” said Constance Barone, the Battlefield’s site manager. “The exhibition coincides with New York State Parks Centennial Celebration, amplifying the Bureau of Historic Sites mission and Guiding Principles,” she added.

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Funding Opportunities

National Endowment for the Humanities

Digital Projects for the Public

The Digital Projects for the Public program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments. 

All Digital Projects for the Public projects should 

  • present analysis that deepens public understanding of significant humanities ideas; 
  • incorporate sound humanities scholarship; 
  • involve humanities scholars in all phases of development and production; 
  • include appropriate digital media professionals; 
  • reach a broad public through a realistic plan for development, marketing, and distribution; 
  • create appealing digital formats for the general public; and 
  • demonstrate the capacity to sustain themselves. 

All projects should demonstrate the potential to attract a broad, general, nonspecialist audience, either online or in person at venues such as museums, libraries, or other cultural institutions. Applicants may also choose to identify particular communities and groups, including students, to whom a project may have particular appeal. 

Learn more

Deadline to apply is June 12, 2024

Cultural Development Fund

NYC Cultural Affairs

Open to New York City non-profit arts and cultural organizations, the CDF is the City's competitive, peer-evaluated grant process that supports a broad, multidisciplinary group of diverse non-profit organizations for their cultural services to city residents.

Each year, the CDF receives hundreds of applications for programmatic funding, and supports groups that represent the backbone of NYC's vibrant cultural sector. Organizations interested in applying are strongly encouraged to attend a CDF application webinar 
offered on the following dates:

  • Thursday, May 30, 10:30 AM
  • Wednesday, June 5, 6:00 PM
  • Monday, June 10, 3:00 PM
  • Thursday, June 20, 12:30 PM

These tutorials give applicants the opportunity to ask questions of DCLA staff and prepare a competitive CDF application. 

Learn more

Deadline to submit a Cultural Development Fund application is Thursday, June 27 at 5 PM EST.

New York State Council on the Arts

FY 2025 Grant Guidelines Now Available

The four opportunities this year include: Support for Organizations, Support for Artists, Support for Targeted Opportunities, and Support for Regrants and Services. Please note that the Capital Opportunity will launch in fall 2024.

All materials needed to begin the application process are now available on our website. NYSCA’s FY2025 application portal will open on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 and close on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 4PM.

The NYSCA staff is always available to answer any questions.

Learn more

Market New York, Round 13 –Tourism Grant Program

Funding Available: up to $15 million

Market New York is a grant program established to strengthen tourism and attract visitors to New York State by promoting destinations, attractions and special events. Funding is available for tourism marketing initiatives, capital/construction projects and the recruitment and/or execution of special events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, festivals, agritourism/craft beverage events, athletic competitions and consumer and industry trade shows. The Market New York program and each funded proposal will work to support the longterm strategic plans for economic growth as put forth by the Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs). For the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year, up to $15 million is to be available through Market New York.

Funding is available for eligible projects that will create an economic impact by increasing tourism throughout the state. Grant funding will be allocated among the ten (10) REDC regions, based on each REDC’s five-year strategic plan that sets out a comprehensive vision for economic development and specific strategies to implement that vision. REDC strategic plan information can be found at:

There are two categories of funding available under Market New York, each with varying requirements. Up to $15 million is available for the following project categories:

1) Regional Tourism Marketing (Working Capital) – up to $7 million (Only minimum grant requests of $50,000 or more will be considered, not including grantee match); and

2) Tourism Capital (Construction/Renovation/Capital Costs) - up to $8 million (Only minimum grant requests of $150,000 or more will be considered, not including grantee match).

Learn more

Round 14 of the CFA closes on July 31, 2024 at 4 PM EST

National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior

History of Equal Rights, FY 2024 Grant Opportunity

The National Park Service (NPS) is proud to announce the History of Equal Rights Grant Program (HER) which preserves sites related to the struggle of all Americans to achieve the ideal of equal rights. HER Grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and fund a broad range of physical preservation work and pre-preservation planning activities for historic sites that are listed in or determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places or as a National Historic Landmark. 

Congress has appropriated $5 million for the HER Grant Program for fiscal year 2024.

Eligible costs include: architectural services, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and physical preservation to structures. 

Grants will be awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal funding match.

Learn more

Applications will be due August 20, 2024.

From the Field

NYC Cultural Affairs Cultural Development Fund Panelist Open Call

The NYC Department of Cultural Affairs is seeking panelists with current expertise in the arts and cultural landscape of NYC to help review applications for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2025 grant cycle of the Cultural Development Fund. Panels collectively review applications from hundreds of cultural organizations, making recommendations that shape the allocation of millions of dollars in public funds. Cultural Affairs is committed to recruiting panelists who reflect the diversity of experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds of NYC residents.

Becoming a panelist a great opportunity to serve the cultural community and gain professional experience in the public funding process. Selected panelists will convene virtually from late summer to fall 2024, receiving stipends of $480 for their work.

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Serve as a NYSCA Panelist!

Each year, more than 150 artists, nonprofit leaders, and arts and culture administrators from all over New York State serve as NYSCA panelists, making our grantmaking possible. With their individual experiences and perspectives, they are responsible for reviewing each grant application and are essential to the evaluation process.
Are you ready to serve? If selected, you can serve for up to three years, meeting virtually in late summer/early fall to review applications. Your service is essential for a fair and unbiased evaluation process to support the arts.

Click here to nominate yourself or a peer before July 22, 2024 to be considered.

Grant Professionals of Lower Hudson

Unlocking NYS Funding: Understanding the Consolidated Funding Application

12 PM EST, June 5, $15 registration fee

Each year, New York State’s Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) provides multiple opportunities for state grant funding for capital projects, land acquisition, marketing, housing, town revitalization, canals, health and human services, environmental conservation, and capacity building.

Although only one application is submitted, funding from a variety of state agencies – Empire State Development, Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, Agriculture and Markets, Department of State, Energy Research – can be accessed with this one application. The application can be daunting, but we’re here to provide some tips that will help make it more manageable.

While this webinar will not cover the online application process, it will:

  • Provide advice about answering questions
  • Identify resources for research
  • Give tips on making the case for economic impact, a statewide priority for funding

Join CFA grant writing experts Susan Mathisen and Steve Densmore to learn how your organization has the best chance to obtain CFA funds.

Learn more

Museum Social Impact in Practice

Toolkit and Data Report Now Available

We are pleased to announce that the toolkit and data report for MOMSI were published in the summer of 2023, and that in the fall of that year, the Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded Utah Arts & Museums a Museum Leadership Grant to continue the work of studying museum social impact in practice. 

That grant, and the ongoing efforts of Museum Social Impact in Practice (MSIIP), have found a new home at the American Alliance of Museums (AAM). With the support of Utah Arts & Museums, AAM is excited to announce that applications are open for the new Museum Social Impact Community of Practice!

Learn more

Applications close July 15, 2024.

Documentary Heritage & Preservation Services for New York

Planning & Assessment Services

Planning & Assessment Services pair accepted organizations with DHPSNY staff to discuss current practices and set recommendations and goals specific to your capacity and needs. Final reports can be utilized to obtain funding, increase the accessibility and use of your collections, and more. Visit to learn more about each of our services and determine which is right for your organization's needs.

Learn more

Next submission deadline is July 12.

This Month in NYS Museums is supported by NYSCA and Humanities NY

Museum Association of NY

265 River St.

Troy, NY 12180

518-273-3400 |

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